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Nature article on CCE

Our long term collaborators and key opinion leaders on capsule endoscopy Tassos Koulaouzidis and Gunnar Baatrup published their latest overview on colon capsule endoscopy in Nature Reviews.   Koulaouzidis, Anastasios, and Gunnar Baatrup. “Current Status of Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Clinical Practice.” Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, May 2, 2023, 1–2.

Tele-GI at USC

HIMSS article on our collaboration with Keck School of Medicine at USC By Bill Siwicki | January 17, 2023 Patients requiring upper or lower gastrointestinal diagnostics normally have to present to a hospital or clinic for a tube-based endoscopy. The capacities for these procedures are constrained by infrastructure (rooms, endoscopes, etc.) and expert personnel (doctors, […]


Capsule Endoscopy is coming to the stomach In the U.S. more than 25k people are being diagnosed for gastric cancer each year and over 40% of them will die from the disease, according to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). Since 90% are adenocarcinomas, a gastroscopy is highly accurate in detecting them. By using […]